Already Gone by Ken Ham

My Review: This handy book opens a new world to us church going people on the reasons why children do not stay in church and why they are in the sense of this book "Already…


The issues of our daily life…..

There are so many things that people are involved in, protesting against abortion, writing petitions against this bill or that bill, parental rights, or many other such "good" things. <p> I say "good" because to…


A snowy day in October…..

My view from my computer window!!! <p> It feel like it is November, not Oct!!! But it was fun to just stay indoors, gather my thoughts and bake some things! I made 2 apple pies,…


It is snowing!!

And it is just oct! I know it will be gone probably, but it is still fun and really pretty. But it was so cold this morning!  We went on a  field trip to the…


Stretch Marks

My Review: I was excited when I got a chance to review this book, pregnancy is something I am familiar with and every pregnant woman knows about stretch marks (and if you do not, we…

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