Week #30 and #31
School has been working towards a close for MFW. We had a short spring break, but have been working on our state reports, talking about some botany projects and working away on math and language…
School has been working towards a close for MFW. We had a short spring break, but have been working on our state reports, talking about some botany projects and working away on math and language…
Apple Crisp for family birthday party My newly minted 16 year old chatting on the telephone. It is hard to see in the picture, but it has a telephone cord and he was playing with…
I cannot believe it is Friday already! It seemed this week flew by! I found these parts of speech games online that we tried out this week. Breakfast and a book? Sounds good to me!…
P. trying on his suit for the upcoming high school banquet. This has been a hard week as I have been struggling with energy levels and feeling well, but we are pushing through. We also…
Helicopter he built with a landing pad from legos Reading from the encyclopedia about the history of helicopters. I got behind on blogging about our weeks! We have had some busy times! I also forgot…
It seems like as winter goes on there are more and more days of school left ahead of us! These smiling faces are the reason I go on though! This was sort of a hard…
Monday started off with all sorts of fun, and we got to have a little visitor for the day. My niece was not feeling well, so came over to spend the day. T. got a…
Week 4 of school is done!!! Week 5 is started because of some vacation time I am having to take, we are trying to do ahead of ourselves a bit, so we don't get behind.…
Week 4 of school is done!!! Week 5 is started because of some vacation time I am having to take, we are trying to do ahead of ourselves a bit, so we don't get behind.…
We are learning Leaning on the Everlasting Arms for our hymn this week! It is one of my favorites, so we have been singing it several times during the week! We read the history behind…