P1070181 P. trying on his suit for the upcoming high school banquet.
This has been a hard week as I have been struggling with energy levels and feeling well, but we are pushing through. We also had the charger on the laptop get cut, so $80, we are waiting for a new one and figuring out math practice in the meantime.
We started our new read aloud of Bound For Oregon. It is a fun read! The boys have been laying on the rug around me while I read, usually H. in the chair, listening. P1070209
We also really loved reading So, You want to be president? They boys found the bathtub crane really funny!
H. listened to an entire audio book one day. It was from another week, but sort of tied a few things together. The Notorious Benedict Arnold: A True Story of Adventure, Heroism and Treachery
He sat and did notebooking pages while listening! P1070212 P1070213
P1070211 The boys made these cut out paper crafts for me to hang up in my window on Wednesday. They are hard to see in the picture, but they are ballerinas.
This week was another great week of watching the Olympics, finding the other countries that were competing and cheering for them!
We are working on memorizing the United States, and using Geography songs to do so. Every morning we get out the map and sing, pointing to the states.
We have play practice twice a week right now, about 7 hours, as well as basketball. It is quite a time commitment, but we are enjoying it!
We are planning to watch A Tale of Two Cities, the long version, on Sunday to finish off our week and we also have Seven Alone to watch as well, which goes along with our Oregon Trail studies.
It was quite snowy this week, so Botany is always interesting. We are looking forward to finishing some of the experiments when it is warmer. However, this week, they asked us to sketch a branch!! Yay! Something we can do!
Math has still been a challenge, because of the computer issue, but we have pulled out several books and done some interesting math drills!  T. is speeding away through his math book  as well and I am thinking about continuing on with BJU for him next year.
We have been working on more independent reading this week as well. Here are two that the boys picked for fun reading time.
H. found a book that he is reading with his reading tutor. It is the first time, I saw him bring a book with him somewhere and exclaim to someone, “This is the best book!” It was an old Moody mystery book series, which I have been collecting for years. I am so excited to see them reading more.
This evening, the two little boys enjoyed looking through past photo albums amid much squeals of delight at seeing themselves as babies, their aunts looking different, their uncles when they are younger than themselves. It kept them up late though!
It has been a hard week, but we learned a lot throughout!

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  1. It’s great to see your boys developing a love for reading. I would for you to check out my blog, studentleadlearning.com, which has some great activities to do as they read, and let me know what you think.

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