Monday started off with all sorts of fun, and we got to have a little visitor for the day. My niece was not feeling well, so came over to spend the day.
T. got a chance to do his reading practice while reading to her.
She enjoyed coloring in the sunshine as well!
It has been really great this week to see some of my boys really get into reading the history books for themselves. This week, my third son and his dad sat for like an hour, reading through some of them.
My husband learned history in Russia, and much of history was very differently taught under Communism. He is often amazed and joins in on our history reading. It is new info for him!
P1070085 P1070086 More reading with my niece.
We read a book about Martin Luther King Jr. as well. They were all a little amazed at how people could treat others that way, based on skin color.
P1070084Math time!! We have still been having issues with TT Math 6.
P1070090 L. has been very interested in the historical reference books we have around and has spent a lot of extra school time this week, reading and looking at them.
We had some fun in Botany, studying different types of leaves. Thankfully we had a house plant with a leaf that had turned yellow to talk about some of the experiments as outside is frozen.
We have been enjoying this William Carey read aloud this week and read ahead as well.
P1070093Watching a science movie
P1070101We dug out the Speak and Spell to work on!
P1070100Doing school on the big desk called the floor
P1070102Reading time
P1070098The set up
P1070099Working away
P1070106Time to read the paper and catch up on current events. T. was a little more interested in what coupons he could find. A local girl is competing in the Olympics. so he was excited about that.
P1070105 P1070104Reading aloud time
P1070103Language Arts
P1070107 P1070108 Play practice for the week
Everyone lined up first on chairs to get instructions and then the fun began. 4 hours of it.
P1070112 P1070111 P1070110It was a big circle!
Drama class exercise to pull you out of your shell!
P1070113 P1070114 P1070115Practicing dancing
P1070118 P1070117 P1070116Lots of sitting still and listening time as well. As you can see, the photos blurred as there was not as much sitting still as there should have been! P. is giving me a look for taking a picture too, in that last one. H. is taking notes.
It was a good week! We got a lot accomplished and I was dead tired. P. is away at a basketball game and we are recovering for next week!

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