It was cold, wet and rainy! But the boys had alot of fun! It is fun to watch them find their friends and the ones they compete best with to team up with for competing. We came home with a couple ribbons for P. and H. in different categories!
 H. got one in the three legged race….which was fun for him! It is so fun to watch them work together on things.

By the mid afternoon, I was freezing, in spite of two jackets and changing into dry shoes part way through! It is amazing what rain can do for you, as far as chilling you to the bone.  I was ready for a cup of hot tea and a shower when i got home, but let the  boys go first!

Later that night, we attended  my niece’s concert. She plays the violin and did a beautiful job, she had a little dessert reception afterwards, which we stayed for and then I took them home to bed. She is growing up so fast, she is almost 12, already.

It was another late night though, so I am moving  slowly again today, which is fine. But on to another busy weekend, with a wedding tomorrow. I just hope it is nice and we are not sitting in the rain again!

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