Yesterday, I drove down to see my sister and family. I got to sit with Mishael while she held Ellina. It was really nice to be able to do that.  She had put a chili/taco soup in the crockpot and we had that with lots of toppings, kind of like taco salad. We made some oatmeal raisin cookies, cleaned up and went back over to change Ellina’s diaper and all. She decided to wet all over her bedding…..which was so normal, it was funny!

(Notice the thermometer for size)

It was a crowded room then to sleep and i woke up at about 7 am and got ready to go. We left at 8, but then had to turn around and go all the way back as P. forgot his glasses. That is such a long drive. Driving is still so difficult for me, so it was  a stretch, but I made it. I got home and got ready for church. T. and I went to church and T. slept the whole service…..over 3 hours, so you have to know he was really tired, but I felt really refreshed somehow from being able to pray, read the bible and was just thrilled when I am understanding a bunch and getting so much out of somethings. It is hard when you are tired and you are working so hard to understand, but today it was a real blessing.

Tomorrow is another day and I hope I can keep going, one foot in front of the other, one step at a time.

As the one minister was sharing today about  the three young men in the fiery furnace, I read that passage that gets me every time, but this time, it touched me again.

“If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.” Daniel 3:17, 18, KJV.

I realized that even in these hard things, we pray and ask God for things, to deliver us, we struggle with our faith, wondering if He will deliver us, but that i saw, with this verse is truly faith. We can believe in a God enough that we can serve Him, stand up for what we know is right and have faith in Him, even if He does not deliver us from the hard things and going through the fiery furnaces of this life.

It is not always believing that we are going to be spared, but that we know and trust in His will to do what is best.

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  1. AngieDawn

    I am glad that you had fun with your sister and the baby is precious!

    I couldn’t agree more with your thoughts on Daniel 3:17.What an excellent example they were.There was no getting angry or questioning God.They knew he was ABLE but if he did not deliver them they wanted everyone to KNOW that they did NOT doubt him and would NOT serve other gods.I have always LOVED that verse!

  2. Andrea

    Oh she is so tiny and beautiful. Praying she gains weight quickly!

  3. Beth

    “It is not always believing that we are going to be spared, but that we know and trust in His will to do what is best.”

    Amen! There is such comfort and peace in His perfect sovereignty, omnipotence, and omniscience. He has it all in His control, from the largest detail to the smallest. He is so worthy of our trust and our praise. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the pics of your darling niece. May the Lord use her mightily to His glory!

  4. Christi

    May God bless her and may she gain weight!

    Missusmechanic from MOMYS

  5. Naomi

    She’s so small and precious! Praying she continues to grow in health and strength.


  6. Grace

    Seeing that picture made me want to cry, It made me think about how much i get mad at life yet this baby is not much bigger than a thermometer, and has cords and tubes keeping it alive. I’m praying very hard things work out! Was the baby born early?

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