or so the boys have nicknamed the last couple days!! We got these cards that were free ice cream cones at 2 different places and the .31 cent ice cream, plus they had it when we went out to eat, so they were thrilled!
Today after school was done, we met my mom, grandma and aunt at this old fashion ice cream, candy shop that also has newspapers and magazines. They have an old fashioned juke box and candy lining the walls with sodas, shakes, phosphates etc as well as hamburgers, fries and soup. Everyone had lunch there and it was really nice, except for a minor setback when T. had a disaster of the smelly kind…..
Afterwards was the semi-tough part because I had a list of all sorts of things to do in town. I have forgotten how long it has been since I have been in many stores, but since I have 2 birthdays, a graduation, a baby was born, and a wedding to all get presents for, it was alot of work! Plus, T. missed his nap, which meant it was more of a challenge to keep them obedient. At the last store, I felt like I had had it! Hey, the other stores I got alot of nice compliments…so they must be seeming okay! I also got a $10 gift certificate in the mail for JC Penny for mothers day so was attempting to spend that, but in the end could not decide!!! I tried on a bunch of underclothing as I needed a new one, but the only one I liked cost $30 and I just couldn’t do it! I had to go to the dollar store in the end for wrapping paper and cards. They were only $.50 each for nice cards and got a interesting roll of wrapping paper that is recycled paper!
The most exciting thing of the day is I got a new sewing machine! I had some money to spend on one from our tax refund, but then had to use alot on car repairs. My mom asked me if she paid for half of one, if I could get a better one with the money I had. I thought I could, which was really exciting as there was this one that I saw that was really, really nice! Well, guess what?
We went in and they had the same kind of machine with more stitches and super nice machine for the same price as the other one I looked at! I am really excited as it is supposed to sew on rayon and peachskin really well, so I can finally make the skirts I have the material for! I ended up for $250 (because my mom paid half) got a machine that goes for $799!!!
I need to make time to sew now!
Anyhow, in all of the tests of the day- there was alot of wonderful things! It is nice to have family to spend time with, it is nice that it was only in the last store that 2 of them misbehaved badly, and I got all the things I needed to get pretty much! I think I will have to try to go back to JC Penny’s without little boys. I think it would be worth it to hire a babysitter. Have you ever tried shopping for underclothing with little boys? Not a good thing to try to do!
I got my file folder games back in the mail today also, although I have not had a chance to look at them all, that is exciting. I gave 2 baths and now need to feed dinner and go to bed! A bath sounds nice to this tired girl too!
Great news about the sewing machine! ~Diana
That is wonderful about the sewing machine!!! I'm happy for you! Hope you can find time to sew now. :)
Sounds like you had a busy day, but yes, it is nice to be able to spend it with family.