Wednesday: Chicken Noodle Soup, bread
Thursday: Orange chicken, rice, steamed broccoli
Friday: Gone
Saturday: Gone
Sunday:  Church potluck-  Potato soup,  coffeecake
 Monday: Baked chicken, squash, oven roasted potatoes and carrots
Tuesday: Baked Potatoes, toppings:  chili, cheese, sour cream, salad (Chili in crockpot….potatoes thrown in oven later in the day)<p>
It has been a busy week! But I am taking it one day at a time. My laundry room is a wreck, there is alot of laundry to do, but my sweet husband built me some  massive, sturdy shelves (we like to tease him, because everything he builds is very strong, very well done, sometimes over the top!!) for my canned goods. I also was given alot of potatoes again this year and this year they are not very dirty. The last ones we could not bake for baked potatoes and these ones we can!!! We are starting to feel like winter is coming, I had to use the heater in our van last night, but not in the house yet. It is staying warm so far…..I like to try to go at least to the middle of Oct with no heaters in the house. We will see! With all the food we have stored up, I am wondering what the winter will hold!! <p> I was shocked today when I was at the grocery store and checked the price on frozen corn, peas etc. Usually for the store brand it is like .99 regular price and then on sale it is like .59-.69 a pound. Today they had it for 1.99 a pound for cheapo peas, corn and mixed vegetables….<p>I cannot believe they actually can charge that!! I laughed when I saw an article online on shortages of pumpkin this year. For one thing I laughed because for one thing, canned pumpkin is not always pumpkin (which means there is more a shortage of butternut squash than pumpkin) and I have tons of pumpkin in my freezer still as well  as we are going to the pumpkin patch next week as well. I guess there was  a shortage in 2006 too….I think I missed it, I had too much pumpkin to deal with!!! <p> The Postscript on this is just you need to look around for cheaper things you will probably find it….frozen vegetables are on sale for .66 each at a neighboring store!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Michelle

    Hi Martha!

    Yum – pumpkins! I love pumpkin soup and pumkpin pie! And it is coming into summer so it is the perfect time to make some pumpkin pie to go with my bbqs! Mmmmm – makes me want to make one!

  2. pbrfans1

    I think we are just really blessed to find pumpkins for cheap and mash it ourselves, etc. I don't think you always have that opportunity in other places. That's horrible that food prices are going up, we end up just living without and that is a hard thing in the winter. By the time fruit and veggies start going on sale we end up just dying to have some!

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