Fall is here and it is really lovely!  Of course for someone who enjoys all seasons except the hot summer, all seasons are lovely! <p> It will be fun to see how winter turns out!  We only got to go sledding once last year, so it will be fun to go more if we get more snow! I even bought some snow pants last year so maybe I will get a chance to try it out!
Yesterday my grandma left for CO. It was rather sudden and was really hard emotionally on me, it was harder than I thought it would be.  I guess, I think that you get to where  it would be easier to not have all the stuff to do, taking care of her, but when it was time for her to go suddenly, I just felt like sobbing and sobbing. I guess it is better that way then being cold about it. <p> We  finally started our Math-U-See. H. loves it! It is really good for him and simple to teach.  I also did a different kind of math with P. this week as his book has disapeared. It is weird as   I know it is in the house and usually things are not that hard to find, but maybe because I have not had alot of time to look. Anyhow, I pulled out Grocery Cart math, where you do math at the grocery store. It is a supplement book, so we are doing that and he did  some times tables also.  We are working on memorizing those, so lots of drilling. They are working hard, sometimes and other times slightly lazy. I need to do art today as well!  We bought these really nice art packets from Pathway. <p> I have alot of books to read of all kinds.  I have been way too busy though! <p> Monday: Dentist appts and MOPS<p> Tuesday: Grandma, Shopping, and I made three batches of plum jam<p> Wednesday: Grandma was leaving and it sure ended up exciting. I was having a hard time with it and could not make myself go to her apartment. I finally decided to go and was almost there when the brake pedal on the van went to the floor suddenly. I let  go and go brake pressure, but then it happened again! I was right by the brake shop, so  dropped it there to  get worked on. I waited awhile and then walked over to grandma’s. We went to my sister’s and had lunch and were getting ready to leave for the airport when we realized a terrible thing. My mom  had accidently taken grandma’s carry on bag to a doctor’s appt. with her. It was back in town 15 minutes away and  she was supposed to be checked in now! We raced in to get it and raced back to get grandma and luggage checked in. She almost missed her flight! So, then there was no long goodbyes and nobody had time to cry really, so maybe it was better that way! The past picture we had was grandma racing off on her scooter, going a very speedily toward the plane!  She was really clipping along! <p> Anyhow, today is thursday and Home day! My washer is fixed (Yay, for my husband and brother) and I am working on laundry. I have to go pick up the van later this afternoon and  then have my aunts birthday party, which will mess up my schedule a little, but isn’t that life? People are more important though!  So, maybe next  week, I can sit and read?


Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. rellamom

    I am really going to miss summer. It seems it ended WAY TOO SOON. I used to love winter, but now I kind of dread it. It's SO cold!
    I am really glad you got your washer working again. I don't mind switching loads or folding the laundry, but I hate having to put it away.
    We'll be leaving for a trip to VA tomorrow, so we won't be back for a week! I am going to miss it here, but I'm sure I'll enjoy the vacation too.
    May the Lord bless you!


  2. Lilyofthevalley4

    Sounds like you have had a busy week! So is Grandma gone for good or just for a visit??

    Fall is a lovely time of year, I do enjoy summer, but the slower fall days are lovely and their is something relaxing about them too. :)Edited by Lilyofthevalley4 on Sep. 27, 2007 at 7:36 PM

  3. rellamom

    Well, we may have bears in WI (I think so), but…we live in the city, so I've never seen any. I don't think they live very close to the part of WI where we live….

    Let me tell you why our user name is "rellamom". My mom did'nt know at first you could create another user name (or however you'd say that), so we used hers'. Then, after we had been using her user name she figured out how to create another….so we're stuck with "rellamom"… :-(

    You can go see my mom's blog, if you'd like: http://www.homesteadblogger.com/howIlovethee/


  4. laurie59

    I always think next week will be much quieter and less hectice and so far not many weeks are like that. I am glad I have lots to do and not bored like my grandma used to be. I hope I never am, but I think it is a mindset as well. I am adding you to my friends. I enjoyed reading your blog.


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