The Legend of a Thousand Hills has a great recipe for an apple cake. I do not use cake mixes much, but this sounds like a great way to use one! <p> Cappuccino Life shows what has been taking up her time! I love to see inside other people’s houses, so I loved this post! <p> Tammy makes me feel better at Tammy’s Recipes with the fact that they do not always eat wonderful meals every single night!!! <p> Tricia shares on her blog about time management and how she manages to get everything done in her life. Since she is a writer, homeschools and all kinds of other things, she is a great one to listen to advice from. Her blog It’s Real Life, talks about some of the things she spoke to us about in MOPS awhile back. <p> Stacy has a good post on being a submissive wife over on Your Sacred Calling, she has some great books recommended as well there in this post. <p> Biblical Womanhood has been answering Q&A for the past while and this one was interesting….how soon should relatives come to visit after a baby and others. <p>
Here Roseleona writes her noted on Youth Facing the Challenges of Today<p> Cheaper Pumpkin pie at Like Merchant Ships, was interesting to read. I guess I never have thought to figure it out. I don’t know that I have ever bought a frozen pie crust though! I have used them on occasion as i was given them. <p>
Well, a short trip of some of the blog posts that caught my interest!
I never noticed you had me on there. :-) Thankyou for your comment. I like you a lot. :-)
I just love how there is so much information and interesting tidbits, advice and stories out there. Thanks for sharing some of your fav's!