You know sometimes this is easier said than done, but I just discovered by a change in circumstances that we are going to have some extra large expense every month. It seems to be unavoidable, so either I need to figure out how to make more money, or spend less money. <p> So, a couple of things I am doing! Potty training- I dislike it so much, but hey, I am hoping that it will work out and no more diaper expenses. I may still have to buy some baby wipes, but not nearly as much. <p> Using the food I have instead of buying more.
I do this already, but this month I am going to try to spend $25 on food, $10 on produce, $5 on paper products in a week. I have apples, I bought on last month’s budget, winter squash, carrots, some cabbage, onions, frozen vegetables in the fruit and vegetable department. I have 25 lbs of rice, some pasta, some potatoes, large jug of oil, oatmeal and a freezer with meat in it of various kinds. I am going to buy 50 lbs of flour, 10 lbs of sugar, some ground beef, and more potatoes. I for-see alot of soup, bread, and lots of thought going into it to make some tasty meals. <p> I made this one thing the boys and Fred really liked! I was given quite a bit of Ramen soup and I am always trying to think of different things to do with it. Anyhow, I made this stuff with 1 large boneless chicken breast, cut into small cubes. I tossed it with flour and chili pepper, salt and browned it in oil. Then I used a red pepper and broccoli and stir fried that. I then made a soy sauce, small amount of sugar and water to make a sauce with cornstarch over it. We ate it over ramen noodles. Okay, so it was not healthy, but it was cheaper than going to a chinese place to eat and that is what my husband and boys thought it tasted like. Oh, I put a dash of sesame oil on mine! <p> Last night we had Borcht which I figured cost us about $2 for 2 gallon pot, .50 for 2 loaves of bread (I made it in my food processor, it took less than 5 min to mix up the dough), and apple crisp for $2.30. there was enough leftovers for another meal today. We ate the rest of the apple crisp for breakfast, and borcht for lunch with bread. It was $4.80 and I fed 9 people last night as we had guests. <p> The bread was really good, I used whole wheat flakes in it with white flour so it had chewy flakes that were really good in it! It tasted really good dipped in the flavorful broth! <p> Tonight I am making a pot of sauce, which is $3 for a gallon and half and will last for several meals. I usually freeze most of it for throughout the month.
Wow, I am amazed and encouraged that you can feed your family for so little!
I really appreciate your positive, can-do attitude as well. Many women would boo-hoo over such constraints, but you are tackling it head on with creativity and a sweet spirit. How refreshing!
You are really creative! I am so uncreative when it comes to cooking. I can follow a recipe, but throwing something like that together, is just beyond my comprehension. I am getting better at winging it, but nothing like that.
So this will be a recurring expense? Hope you are doing well otherwise! I've missed you!