Wednesday: Breakfast: Muffins and Milk~ Lunch: Egg sandwiches
                     Dinner: Spaghetti, Tomato, avocado, cucumber, broccoli salad
Thursday:   Breakfast: Eggs, cantaloupe, ~ Lunch: PB sandwiches, vegetables and dip
                   Dinner: Cauliflower soup, Rolls
Friday:        Breakfast: Cereal, milk, ~ Lunch: Leftover soup,
                   Dinner: Lasagna, salad, French bread
Saturday:    Breakfast: Oatmeal, ~ Lunch: PB Sandwiches or Tuna sandwiches
                   Dinner: Borcht, bread
Sunday:      Breakfast: Cereal, milk, ~ Lunch: Leftovers
                   Dinner: Chicken Fajitas
Monday:     Breakfast: Muffins, milk ~ Lunch: Quesadillas, vegetables
                   Dinner: Leftovers and dessert
Tuesday:    Breakfast: Muffins and PB,~ Lunch: Mac and cheese
                   Dinner: Orange chicken, rice and broccoli/cauliflower steamed

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