Menu for the week:
Chicken legs, mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables
Pasta, sauce, garlic bread, salad or asparagus
French toast, sausage, fruit
Soup, bread
Roast, boiled potatoes, steamed vegetables
Roast beef hash, salad
I made these oatmeal muffins for snacks yesterday! I ground up flax seed and some of the oats, it also had some pear sauce in it instead of some of the oil, i used peach juice and yogurt instead of milk. They were really yummy and very rich  with fiber!
Today P. was taking some tests, H.  is recovering from the flu and I hope no one else catches it. It was a nasty one.  All of the boys and  F. got haircuts today! My sister is going to go to hair school next year, she is going to be  good at it!  It is funny about how now matter how long I sweep and sweep the floor for awhile,  I still find hair!!
Soccer pictures!
Look at how red faced he is from all his running!!
H. age 10
T.  age 5
He loved soccer this year! It was so fun for him!<p> I guess that doesn’t sound terribly busy, but between catching up from being gone, homeschool, grocery shopping, preschool, testing, i brought a meal to a friend last night, then i am speaking at Teen MOPS tomorrow night, it was a birthday and  our 13th anniversary which we did not do anything alone for and I  kind of would like to….it feels busy!!!
<p> Next week hopefully is my last week of teaching preschool for the year, we are getting ready for track and field day  for sports and hopefully work on a little geography project as well for extra activities.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. SmileyGirl95

    Mmmnnn, mashed potatoes are definitely delicious! Oh, I am making French Toast tomorrow, I have been having a craving for it lately and I thought tomorrow would be a good day to make it! :)

    Oh I hope your child with the flu keeps recovering well!
    Your boys are so cute, that is so neat that they enjoyed doing soccer!


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