for people without children! I am never bored here! We always have something exciting, whether it is my 5 year old and three year old, rolling all over the floor giggling wildly like life itself was funny (who says only girls giggle?)  or doing a yelling, indian sort of call while on the top bunk of the bed without it mattress just as my husband picked up the phone! Oh, there was a coat hanger nearby also, a wire one…….<p> Of course, those are just small incidents in the day,  there is quiet times, if it gets too quiet I start to wonder what is wrong and go and check for disasters! <p>
I was talking to an older woman last night who shared her struggles with learning to read and how frustrated her father had gotten trying to teach her. It really gave her a bad view of school and reading all around. It made me realize how important patience is when teaching little ones reading and everything. I have to admit, I am not always patient with them, when for the twentieth time it seems like they are guessing and totally making up a word. <p>
I sort of made a recipe last night that would be good for after thanksgiving turkey. I used turkey I had frozen and  in  a pan, sauteed a bunch of diced celery and garlic. I added onion powder, sage, parsley pepper, salt, chicken boullion, some water, a can of evaporated milk and  simmered it. I added cornstarch and the turkey to thicken it. Then I put it on the bottom of a casserole dish. I had cubed extra bread and toasted it for stuffing mix, which I made into stuffing and put it on top of the casserole dish and baked until bubbly and the top was toasted! I was honestly surprised! It was really good, I thought! I  have not liked that type of dish before because it was bland, but this was not. The stuffing topping was great! <p> I have never minded leftover turkey as I just freeze it and use it as cooked chicken. It is handy and we love it! <p> Well, bath time is over, children are crying, time to get back to school! <p>

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. cahanbury

    Sounds good. I really like that you provide links to all the stuff you are reading. It's so helpful!

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