Peaceful day

We had a  very nice peaceful day!  I got up this morning, got ready for the day and then a friend came over and helped me pick a bunch of green beans, peas and  thinned…


I took a flying leap!

I bought a piano and somehow, I feel excited....I am not sure why. Most people who know me know of my problems with pianos and irritations I feel when hearing the scales practiced, especially if…


Naturally Healthy Conference

We had a full week, but one exciting thing we were blessed with was the chance to attend a Naturally Healthy Conference done by Shonda Parker. It was  so informative and so  much to take…

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I was tagged by Tanya Here are the rules: 1) Link to the person who tagged me. 2) Mention the rules. 3) Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about myself. 4) Tag 6 other…


4 years old…

Isn't he a cute little guy? We had alot of fun this weekend, spending time together. I discovered that even when you are with him  all the time, that he still managed to get into…