I finally got sick. I am really happy that it is not one of the worse sicknesses I have been exposed to. It is just a little cold, but it sure makes me feel funny!

I have been taking GSE and putting hydrogen peroxide in my ears to help and I don’t have a sore throat anymore and it took my ear pain away. But my voice gets affected and have you tried to take care of boys who always seem to need you to speak over the volume of a whisper. I am told I have a quiet voice anyhow so imagine it being a strain to speak over a whisper. Yeah.

It is not too bad yet as I have been resting it, drinking tea and reading books. The only hardship is the house gets a little messy and the boys are hungry and they ate all the leftovers.

I am boiling potatoes and using this occasion to cook a frozen pizza. I also bought some lunchmeat that was $2.29-2.99 a pound and they have been filling up on that. Paul likes his with lots of leaf lettuce on it so it is pretty healthy. I am glad I baked cookies and muffins last week. I think maybe every week I should have one day where I bake a bunch of stuff and freeze it. Maybe twice a week, I don’t know!

So,Ii missed church today and canceled other things yesterday, but it really felt good to have a real excuse even though I enjoy doing things, I love staying home.

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