I think most of us memorized this verse as young children, probably when we were not being kind to one of our siblings. We had a song even that we sang with the entire verse and reference. But I was stopping to think how we as adults in our society, actually remember and obey this verse. <p>
We are in a world where it is okay to say something not so nice about another person, because it is your right.  It is okay to say aloud that  your neighbor is nasty and mean, because…..well, he is!!!  But I was even thinking about saying comments that just bring another person down,  instead of lifting another person up.  How often do we really consider our words? I am guilty of this many times in the day, speaking before thinking.  Do we shame another persons choices for the way they raise their children,  the way they dress, the church they attend? <p> I know there are differences when it goes against the word of God, but I am not speaking of those, I am speaking of a matter of opinion and just thoughtless words. <p> I saw this verse when I was reading the bible about words…..
Prov. 15:1 A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up  anger.

There are also these ones….
Prov. 16:24 Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
Prov. 18:8 The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they down to the innermost parts of the belly.
<p> It is amazing how long something as simple as a few words can stay with us and wound us over and over again.
Eph. 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but  that which is good to the use of edifying,  that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
I know many times I have been wounded by others thoughtless words, in my head I know they meant nothing by it, or there have been times when I know that it was to purposely wound. Either way, I am reminded to be kind to one another, forgiven one another, whether it was on purpose or on accident. It helps me as I hope that when (not if!!) I  do the same thing and say thoughtless words that wound another, that I will be forgiven as well and they will see to overlook it. But I pray also this verse
Psalm 141:3 Set a watch. O Lord, before my mouth, keep the door of my lips. <p>
I think often as times get troubling and we can rise against one another, isolating and picking apart one another with words, or we can band together, praying together, seeking the Lord together. There may be big differences between us.  Some of us may dress different, some of us may  find ourselves in different situations with familial status,  some of us may have made some huge mistakes, but  eating and devouring one another is not a good way to overcome those, instead of that kindness, compassion and love that covers a multitude of sins is a great way to begin and pray with me that God would set a watch over our mouths is a great way to start.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    So true. I have a book called, "Chofetz Chaim: A Lesson a Day." It's similar to a devotional and each day is a lesson about watching what we say about others. Even if what we're saying is true, it's still wrong to say if it's going to leave a negative impression with the listener or bring embarrassment to the person it was about. The book also encourages you to keep trying to improve your speech and not feel like a failure or give up just because you mess up AGAIN and say the wrong thing. It's a continual process of improvement.

  2. Anonymous

    Great post, I know that I need work in this area at times. Think of different the world could be.


  3. SousChef

    Thank you so much, Martha! This is an area the Lord is dealing with me. I've been so focused on the words (thoughtless as well as intentional) that others are saying to and about me. I've wanted to use wrong words back, rather than glorifying God in my words and actions. Blessings to you, and thanks again!

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