T. loves babies! He  sees a baby in a picture, in church wherever, he cannot keep quiet about them and it has caused quite a ruckus in church before as there are loud stage whispers and not whispers at all, drifting across the church as he notices the baby on the other side!  Imagine his delight when one came to visit all day! He  could not keep his hands or eyes off of the poor thing all day! it reminds me of my little sister when she got a new brother, but she was alot more rough then T. is!
G. had spit up and so he was helping with the wiping and just trying to comfort him! I am not sure it helped, but one thing he loves getting pictures taken and usually looks and smiles big, but he could not keep his eyes off the baby, so they were all of him taking care of the baby. He is going to be a good daddy if he keeps this up!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. drewsfamilytx

    How precious!

    I always laugh when I see a baby pointing to another baby! It's like…ummm…have you looked in the mirror lately little guy? ;-)


  2. Lilyofthevalley4

    How cute! :)

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