We had another busy week, but in the middle of the week, it started to slow down. We had the last basketball game on Wednesday, which was the end of a wonderful season.

I was a little behind on my out loud reading, and we just finished Twice Freed by Patricia St. John this week. The boys really enjoyed the story and were sad we do not have another read aloud right away. I may pick up another one to read aloud while we are waiting to start our next one, scheduled in the R to R.

This week really started on Saturday morning!
Saturday was the final day of the 7th/8th tournament. But we also had decided to join in a homeschool play performance that happens in the late spring. In order to do that, we had to go and audition. I left the house at 8 am. It was 4:30 pm. when we came back for good.
P. and L. auditioned for parts in the play, then we got ready to go to the game.
Photobucket (2.2 seconds left and you can see the score)
The boys played a team that was tough to play, and it was a tight game.
They played well, worked together and by a matter of a few point won a first place trophy!

We can do this…I think!

They were ecstatic! We then watched the 5/6th team play their game, and the 5th/6th graders won a third place trophy as well!

In the middle of tournaments, we drove 90 miles north with my sister to see The Nutcracker. My siblings were in it and it was a good cultural experience for the boys.

The Mouse King and Spanish dancer

T. and the Nutcracker

The Russian dancer…

A real Russian and Mouse King without his mask

It was difficult to get photos of the actual play.

Russian dance

Sunday was my husband’s birthday….
Monday- We completed our schoolwork. One language arts book has gotten misplaced and I had to make up work all week for that child, which was frustrating, but he is loving to read, which is thrilling my heart! He has read several books this month already! I started doing more math drills again, but this time causing a little competition between my 4th and 6th grader. They are about even in their ability and speed, but the competition is making them faster!

There was a tournament again tonight, this time just 5th/6th graders.
It was a tight, tough game that was a lot of fun to watch. I love it when the teams are doing well. It showed us how far we had come in the season as we played them earlier in the season and then at the end.
There was a lot of huddles…

It got tighter….

The huddles got tighter!
But they won!! H.’s hair was soaked like he had taken a shower!!

Afterwards, we went to see my niece for her birthday.

Tuesday: I enjoyed reading about the origins of the Muslims, but was saddened as well reading about how sometimes good intentions can so deceive people.
Our Latin root words for the week were Disciplus and Verbum.
We skipped some school today as it was my birthday!
We played the top team in the county tonight, which we played a good game, but really did not believe we could win. The boys enjoyed the game however!

It was my birthday, so I got to go out to dinner, which was nice!

We reviewed the root words, finished up our reading on Twice Freed, and read from The Story of the World. L. is working on listening to his math better and learning. He was trying to fly through it instead and causing some poor answers. He is working on reading a Danny Dunn book right now. He and H. were even again this morning with math drills.

We played tonight a team that was so evenly matched, it was like they alternated baskets.
It was like this the whole game. It was a little nerve wracking, but we realized that whoever won, they were both great teams.


They got their exercise!
The game went into overtime to decide the score.
Getting ready!
The basket they made did not quite go in and the other team scored and it was a 4th place trophy for our team….no one was sad though!

It was a good time! Now, we just have the party and we are done!

Co-op class day- We have science, pre-algebra, and various writing classes on this day. It means a little running around for me, but it is worth it. I got to go and have tea with my friend which was nice, it has been awhile.
It felt weird not to have basketball to go to!

Evidently P. thought so too and thought he needed some weight lifting…

How many boys can I balance?
Yee, Haw!!

We finished our reading for the week. When I read about Baghdad, the boys said “That is where Jeannie was born!” No, they were not talking about a friend or relative, but a character from “I Dream of Jeannie.” Strange children!
They all found the story of Sinbad interesting as well. The sketch of the map was done and we talked about germs, sickness etc. We had some hands on experience a couple weeks ago with H. so it was interesting.

We headed out to do some shopping and went to the local art walk. We walked through all the local downtown stores. The boys were not excited to do a bunch of shopping, but when they found out there was food, for free, in almost every shop being offered, they were very eager to continue. They had a card to get stamped to enter a contest, and my second son, ran around collecting stamps and punches.
It was an enjoyable evening. We purchased a small elephant that was made in Kenya to remind us to pray for those in Africa and over the world in other countries.


Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

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  1. JoAnn

    Sounds like a busy, but productive time. :)

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