What do these words have in common?

They often are buzz words that we hear today, driven by a society that leaves us little time to reflect.

How do we change it? Does it mean because they are buzz words, they are inaccurate?

A relative was telling me how anxiety is the plague of the modern generation. They are fearful of things that are not something to be afraid of. It is controlling their lives to the point that they are disabled by it. Does that mean the anxiety is not real?



The reality is our lives are fast paced. We are on a hamster wheel that we have created for our society, but we are unable to get off.

We spend energy on things like not using rain water collection, restricting raw milk, and other laws that have had good reasons, but waste people’s time and energy in forcing the matter.

We have a higher need than ever for people that have Emotional Support Animal’s, but some people care more about themselves than anyone else around them. Other people care so little for themselves, they will do anything for someone else, but restrict their mercy to others, and will not extend it to themselves.

So how can we change our lives?

This is the million dollar question that no one seems to have the answer to.

I work three different jobs at the moment, plus a side job as a doula.  I am making a living, but at what cost?

How will my health be affected?

Yesterday I went to get my oil changed. They always take forever, but I enjoy it. It is like a mini vacation. You are stuck in a comfortable chair with your book, free wi-fi, tea and snacks.


I got to thinking though. If this is the closest we get to relaxing, reflecting and slowing down, is this the way we want to live?

I live fairly simply. But for example, my phone stopped charging well recently. I investigated what it would cost to replace it. I could get a used one, that may die again in about a year, or I could spend over $600 for the bottom of the line phone on a similar system to what I am used to. They offer a payment plan, which is not something I am ok with usually, so it irritates me. Why I am trapped now, in a society where if I do not have a good cell phone that meets my needs, I could lose my business.

It is a business expense, but one that I was not counting on the moment.

Expenses that come up like this can drain you of energy, but also make you feel slightly trapped.

What is the answer?

I long at times for reducing my expenses to a minute amount where I can be earning less and thriving more.

I am mystified at this battle I am engaged in.

Recently I had to decline going to something I wanted to go to because I had a previous engagement. Do you know what the previous engagement was?

It was my shower. Yes, I had been battling to find time to take a shower, in bussing kids to college, running bank disbursements to the bank, mailing packages, dealing with delinquent UPS drivers that missed packages, settling insurance claims, and just the basic stuff, it is the really basic stuff that gets missed. When it comes time where I have to schedule a shower and eating in so it can get done, it is to a point that is not healthy.

Last night I woke up at 4 am in a pool of sweat from anxiety. I walked the house to make sure everything was ok, which it was, but the temp in the home was about 50’s-60’s. It was not hot.

On the surface though, I am here. I am thriving. I am keeping up. I am “amazing”. I am working hard. I am here for everyone else. I love that, but I also don’t want to collapse and fail.

What are the answers you have found to reduce Stress, Anxiety and other evils of daily life?

This Post Has One Comment

  1. smuckerstuff

    i am living this battle myself. And pondering the same questions. i’ve read that all the artificial sweeteners in every gum and many other sweets, and also all the wireless signals in our world can increase the symptoms of anxiety and depression, etc. We can avoid sweeteners, but our world is dependent on wifi. i’m not sure it’s feasible to walk around in an EMF blocking cocoon…

    i’ve used a combination of medication and natural supplements. My latest friend is CBD/peppermint oil. It’s a constant struggle to engage in self care, but it’s my goal to change that.

    i did a breakfast/pj/movie morning with my girlfriends once. i’d like to do that on a more regular basis, as well as figuring out other nurturing things. i got to a place where i hit the ground running and ran ragged all day. i even stopped having morning devotions and that is what stopped me in my tracks. It’s like cutting off my own air hose! So i have slowed down some.

    If you are the main provider financially, that is huge. And then on top of that, you continue to be the emotional provider as well, because that’s who you are. You can’t just stop that. i’m amazed you’re carrying on as well as you are!

    But you won’t be able to be there for your family if you continue that way… What if you would schedule two weeks off every year just for yourself to get away completely from anyone and anything that might require something from you. You could not accept any birth cases around that time, and your other customers would be informed that any orders around that time will have a 2 week delay. You can come here and i’ll have space and food for free. If you can afford it, a cruise or all inclusive resort is also a good getaway. Probably the only true vacation for a mom as you don’t have to worry about meals and they even make your bed. :)

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