The boys have been after me to make them a pie for several weeks now. First off, I had no shortening so couldn't make it, then we ate all our apples from the fall raw instead of making them into something, so no pie!
When I bought apples for eating they would say “Apple pie!!!”
I finally went and bought a can of water packed apples and got as far as making the large pot of filling. Then I was too tired to make the pie, we went swimming last night as it was our last chance to use the pool.
Hmmmm….Do you think I will post the pie and recipe next? I had better, because that was the first thing my son asked me when he woke up.
“Where is the pie?” It doesn't look I will be getting any more good morning kisses or hugs until it is done!
So, off I go to finish the story and the pie!