I got my winter issue of TEACH this last week and it was a very encouraging issue! I have to say i got a kick out of the article “Pantry ponderings” by Lorrie Flem. I think you just have to be part of a big family to understand what she was writing about! It sounded just like my mom’s thoughts! ,p> I am the oldest of 11 and we couldn’t count how many times we swept the kitchen floor and yet it looked like we had left it all day! = )

Lorrie was pondering why it was easier to organize a pantry of a family with 2 children compared to her own of 8 children and compares the differences! My sister and I were laughing together by the end!

There is a large ad for Homeschoolopoly which I purchased, but have not had a chance to play yet! It looks like alot of fun!

In the review section they reviewed “Project Packs” the Curious George one almost had me buying it! They are activity packs using books and have everything included in them. It sounds like just what this mom needs sometimes!

If you have not seen this magazine yet, it is worth your subscription price! You will be saving them or passing them to your friends all around this time! Check out their subscription deals also, if you subscribe for 2 years you will get over $100 in free gifts mailed to you! I think too if you give gift subscriptions they will send you a special free gift also! The website is www.teachmagazine.com

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  1. Anonymous

    I am so frustrated with my computer and I cannot post any posts on here! I guess I needed to take a break or something, but it makes feel a bit out of touch! I am working on it……but it may be awhile. Anyhow, if anyone feels like reading this comment you will know where I am!

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