Well, plans changed this morning when I woke up with a sick little boy. i did not know  I had 2 sick little boys until I walked into church and one who seemed fine, threw up in the front entry. The funny thing is, he did not throw up again all day….weird! <p> I was able to go the library book sale this weekend and this morning picked up a huge paper bag full of books for $1. I got a whole bunch of these neat full color picture books  from national geographic for children as well as some other good ones.  I like to read 40’s and 50’s girls fiction, so got some by my favorite authors that I was dismayed  the library got rid of!  so today was a good day for reading! Also, gymnastics!  I missed the first half, but got to see that the American women won  top honors! Yay! <p> I finished a book by Tracey Bateman also, which I really enjoyed the first one by her, and this one was just as good! It spoke alot about the racial  problems that were still present in the 50’s though, which is hard for me to believe, but real. Last night I read Summer by Karen Kingsbury. Well, that was a hard book to read. If there is one thing about her,  if there is something bad that could happen in her books they usually do, like in real life, the bad things usually happen. The moms die, babies die, children die, and while good things happen to from learning through the hard experiences, this book made me sob at the end. Her last one I didn’t cry, but I thought I was going to be crying all night last night!  It is hard for me as I usually do some real deep soul searching when I  read her books, and sometimes you can see things about yourself you really did not want to see. If you would like to deal with some issues in your life,  some of her fiction you find yourself in the story and are sobbing with them about your pain. <p> Well, back to take care of the boys who are feeling better and wanting to eat everything in sight!

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  1. drewsfamilytx

    Ewww! But throwing up in the entryway is better than on the carpet, on someone's lap or in the pew. Hope everyone stays well this week.

    Hmmm… I've never read any of Karen Kingsbury's books. I do occasionally want to watch a weepy movie or read a book like that– because sometimes you just need to cry. Who knows why? I'm sure it's a hormonal thing– at least for me.

    Great deal on the books! It's always fun to see what treasures you may find at the library.

  2. amandasangels

    I hope the boys are feeling better now, and if not then very soon.
    Love & Blessings,
    (: Amanda :)

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