My boys and I spent this past week at a little camp nestled up in the mountains in East Glacier. It is so beautiful up there.
P1070768It doesn’t look like much from here, but it has plenty to make an impact on children’s lives.
P1070765 P1070766This was the view from the cabin where we stayed.  We were up fairly high. It is hard to see on these pictures, but that is the treeline, you see there.
One of the days, we all piled into vehicles and climbed our way up the road into Many Glacier. I had not been in the park since I was about 10 years old, even though I have lived here for a very long time, so it was about time. It was so pretty up there.
P1070699There was a lot of piggy back rides from the teen camp counselors.
P1070702It was a great group of kids! This is the whole group in front of the lodge with that mountain backdrop.
P1070697This is the row of children getting ready to hike up the mountain.
P1070705 This is the giant lodge on the lake. It was built in 1914.
P1070706We had to wait for the last bathroom users before heading off.
P1070707Here we go! I tried to stay back with my mom, as she is a slower walker, but gave up and went ahead. On the way back, I wised up and went ahead of everyone!
P1070713At the end of the hike, there was a lake that the children were jumping into. It was glacier fed, so not the warmest, but the beach had lovely flat rocks all over it.
P1070712 There was a boat that was practicing for boat tours while we were sitting there.
P1070715We made spots to sit in the sun and just observe the view. There was some snow up there, and a warning on the trail that if you went higher, the path was a mess from the snow.
P1070714 L. and H. with the lake in the background
P1070722 P1070721 Some more mountain pictures….
P1070716  P1070717 The trail of children coming up the path! They were so happy and well behaved. They called down the line all the way, counting “1!” “2!” etc.
P1070718Arnica along the path
P1070720 P1070719 I got ahead walking, and the boys said they were getting comments like “Your mom sure can walk fast, even though she is short.”
P1070723 Waiting for the rest of the group.
We had to make it home to cook dinner. Everyday, the woman in charge of the camp had a wonderfully organized menu to cook. She did so much work and we worked on helping her. We fixed three meals a day and two snacks generally. There is no electricity, but there is a generator that runs the water for showers and dishwashing, and lights when needed. There is the lodge, five cabins and a bath house, along with the generator shed. They also had a camper they used for sleeping in. It is all simple, but a very nice set up.
P1070689 P1070690 P1070691 This was music time! Almost everyone sang loudly, and the ones that didn’t at first, were joining in near the end.
P1070694 P1070693 P1070692 This was craft time. I think this one was making small baskets. They really enjoyed the crafts, especially T. He thought it was so much fun!
P1070725 The sunset from the view from our cabin where we slept.
It was rainy and cold on one of the days, so we decided to drive instead of swim and hike and visited another lodge near the park and had an ice cream snack.
P1070731L. trying on some bear gloves.
P1070733 P1070734 H. and T. next to the historical pictures, diaries, clothing etc. The history was so fascinating for the area, especially on one the price for a dentist removing a wisdom tooth was listed. She paid $2.50 for the tooth removal.
P1070727 P1070728 There was a large teepee outside, several of them….but we were trying to beat the rain to get inside. It was pouring down!
P1070729 L. and one of his friends at camp.
P1070736 P1070737
We had to keep everyone busy in the rain and there were lots of games made up with card etc. P1070738 P1070739
My mom was showing them music that my brothers and sisters had played this last year. P1070735
Game time!!!
P1070740 P1070741 P1070742 P1070743 P1070744They played a variety of games, but all had a great time laughing, guessing each other’s “names”.
It was wet and cold, but they got a little stir crazy after a bit and they went out to play, even though most of the counselors were fighting colds. They were taking every natural and unnatural remedy we were handing out. Grapefruit Seed extract, oregano oil, L-Lysine, Airborne etc. We kept filling the tea carafe and they kept draining it along with the honey bear. They rubbed essential oils on their chests as well.
P1070746 P1070747 P1070748 P1070749 P1070750 P1070751 P1070745 More singing time! They could get really energetic!
P1070752 P1070753 P1070754 P1070755 P1070756 Campfire time inside instead of in the wet! We are good at improvising here!
P1070757 P1070758
P1070759 P. with some of the small campers at the breakfast table.
P1070762 P1070763 P1070764They did a continuing skit throughout the week. This was a portion of the last one. One of the nights, the dinner was like a Medieval dinner. They had foil instead of plates and had to eat with their hands. We had Roast beef, roast chicken, bread, fruit, and roasted potato wedges. It turned out really good and they had a jousting match in the field while everyone was eating.
On Friday, we cleaned up the camp and all headed over the mountains for home. It was a really fun and satisfying week. If you would like to ever support a camp that ministers over on the Blackfeet Indian Tribe, consider donating some money, even food or time if you have it. It is worth it!

Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

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