- First locate fruit- make sure there is no extra things in the fruit box besides fruit
- Wash jars- load dishwasher with jars- start and quickly check on 4 year old to make sure he is not getting into something or using your peaches as baseballs.
- Start water boiling for peeling peaches- run down to check on boys as they are climbing on something they should not be. Run upstairs again, water is boiling.
- Locate lemon juice, stainless steel spoon and start peaches so you can peel them. Wonder if the time you caught your 4 year old and 6 year old with the lemon juice if they mixed sugar in with it.
- Peaches are peeled, chop and measure them. You miss your glass measuring cups you broke last week, but use the one remaining. Start cooking with lemon juice and pectin.
- Remember you forgot to measure sugar, run to get sugar and run back to quickly stir in between dashes.
- Catch 4 year old with something red on fingers. Stick him in corner where you can see him, while stirring jam.
- Realize that you need to boil more lids and rings, dash to garage to find them.
- 4 year old is wailing he is hungry. Tell him to have patience, while you add sugar to now boiling jam.
- Bring jam back up to a boil, leaving for a second to heat up leftover spaghetti for said 4 year old.
- Arrange jars on counter, realize frantically you did not lay out the wide mouth funnel and go through drawers looking while dashing back to keep stirring. Can’t find it!
- Decide to ladle jam in jars without funnel, while glancing at 4 year old to make sure he is not getting spaghetti on new shirt, I tip a jar of jam over, because I am doing it one handed. Jam is starting to pour down the clean cupboard! i rescue some jam, but lose a bunch.
- i carefully wipe and put lids on jam and arrange them in canner. 4 year old wants to go somewhere else besides kitchen and since I cannot chase him, I hurry.
- Jam gets into the canner somewhat crooked, but there was two inches of water over it, that is what counts I figure……another batch, you think? (I find the wide mouth funnel in the drawer where it belongs, hiding and it escaped my frantic search!)
I got 14 jars, not all pints of peach jam made in spite of many interruptions and we will see if it turns out after all that!!!
i got some really nice jelly jars from a garage sale for free and paid $3 for a box of lids and rings. Some of them are antiques I cannot use, but maybe I can sell them!<p>
My oldest son is in pain because after trying a gymnastic antic that failed when he fell off his bunk bed head first onto his head, his neck and upper back hurts. I talked to the doctor and she would like to see him so I will be going there tonight. "sigh" I also drove about 30 miles to get a free art easel. It is nice!