I guess no one is reading my blog or else nothing I have written seems interesting enough to comment on! Hmmm! I wonder what else I could write that would make everyone write in?

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  1. momtogirls5

    I don’t always comment because, well I don’t know why. Because you don’t know me is why. I check in a few times a week to see whats new with your life. We are on a yahoo group together but I’m pretty quiet there too. I love the photos you post. Keep on posting. Even if you don’t think it’s great you never know who your touching or blessing.

  2. Martha

    Thanks, Lenni!
    Which yahoo group, if you do not mind me asking?

  3. momtogirls5

    Headcovering Christians.

  4. Anonymous

    I read here too! :) I have been waiting to comment until I register, but that does not seem to be happening. :)

    ~Tanya :)

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