It has been awhile since I wrote! I have been so busy I haven't has time.
Yesterday I spent 2 hours at the doctors office. I had a well child check for Lee (He has never had one before) and Anthony needed to have his mouth looked at. He is on antibiotics now as he had a bacterial infection in his mouth that looks like spread from his gum. The only thing I have been able to feed him is breast milk and sometimes a bit of yogurt as his mouth burns. It has many sleepless nights!
I think it accounts for why I feel all out of sorts. I am really struggling with some of the daily things that we deal with as a family. It seems like once a month or more, I suddenly start feeling the weight of the load on me and it starts to press me down and down and I just want to run and sit in the quiet for just a bit. Otherwise I start to get frustrated at the boys and then I have been so upset at myself for that.
It also is hard for me because I want to do fun things with the boys and just the lack of money can really get you down at times.
Oh well, I do not need this to be a complaining session! I have many things to be thankful for!
I made cabbage rolls for dinner and Fred is peeling potatoes for mashed potatoes. I am going to boil some sweet corn that was given to us. I was given sweet corn, a very large zuchuni squash, a small watermelon and cantaloupe. That was a real blessing!
Paul freaked out the other night because I told him I was going to fly on a airplane to CA. He worried that I would die, then I would never come back, etc. etc. He cried and cried and I feel awful about it. I don't know what to do though! Aunt June needs some help, and for a week before school starts is a good time to go. I wish Bobbi would be able to come help!

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  1. Jennifer

    Hi Martha,

    I am sorry you had to take your baby to the dr. but sometimes it is necessary and I pray he will recover quickly! I actually dread going to the dr, having to get someone to watch my other children, having to pay a huge co-pay, to wait and then if they get a prescription…
    Anyway, I hope he is feeling better soon and that you are able to get some rest, physically and emotionally.

    Jennifer in VA

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