We had a nice weekend. On Friday we went to visit my parents, we stopped first at the Amish store to collect the money for the bookstore that my parents and I have there. Black beans were
4/$1 so I bought a few cans for quick dinners! I like to get some of the good tasting ceaser dressing there, as it is 3/$1.00 or 4/$1.00. It is so expensive to buy in the store so i usually just make my own, but i can get the better ones cheap there so it was nice!

My moms kitchen looks great and she was moving stuff in, so we made dinner in there this time! It was really nice!

It was my sister and my brother’s birthday (they were born on the same day) so we had cake, presents and just enjoyed the evening. Mom had someone threatening labor all day and night, but she got a full nights sleep, this time anyway!

On Saturday a good friend got married. They had a really simple ceremony, that was really pretty! She had a really pretty dress and had cake and punch afterwards. It is funny because we met them years ago because they wanted to buy my parents house…. and we have been friends ever since!

Sunday, there was a meal at church which is always nice, it seemed like not too many people were there it seemed like, but the food sure disapeared!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. drewsfamilytx

    A weekend with family is always nice! And yours sounds like it was exceptionally lovely. :-)

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