I finally got a new camera, I have to take some time to figure out how to use it, as well as load the software on my computer which seeing as I do not have a disc drive or CD-Rom or whatever that works after T. shoved  multiple discs into it this past spring, I am going to have to be creative, but maybe I can post pictures again! Yay! <p> I am praying that life slows down a bit. I think it is. Tomorrow is a busy day with MOPS, a dentist appt. and I am bringing dinner to someone in the evening, but Tuesday is just school and piano.  I am going to have to take a drive up to my parents as my  brother is moving far away and to see him off is important so i am going up there for a day or so. i hope the weather cooperates as I do not have snow tires on!
Anyhow, it is late so good night to you all!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Anonymous

    you should be able to download a driver from the camera manufacturers website.

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