Usually when I make a to-do list, I write it in my head.

It is not because I do not like to have things written down, it is just that I keep alot of things in my head. I have appointments in there, schedules, keeping track of things, authors I want to read, letters i am writing and many more things! What is the reason for this?

“drum roll”


Am I the only mother in the world that cannot find a pen when I need one? I feel like there are never enough pens.

Anyhow, when my schedule of my mind gets overfull, I start waking up at night to go over my “list”. This is irritating, of course, so then I find a pen, pencil or crayon and begin to jot down the “list”

This is just to be able to sleep. I may never cross off things off of the “list”, but at least I can sleep!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    I’ll write out a list and then I go grocery shopping and take my list, but never look at it! :)

    I will write appts on my calender, so I don’t forget. :)

    ~Tanya :)

  2. HAHomestead

    if you do find a pen, it’s out of ink! LOL

  3. Martha

    That’s right, Tamara! = ) Well, glad to know I am not the only one that does that with lists!

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