I enjoy baking, but for some reason I do not do very much of it.

When I lived in MN, I had this stove, that worked really good up on the top, but the oven leaked propane. Since we were in the place we were and there were several thngs that did not function the way they were supposed to, we had gotten several stoves free or really cheap. For a long time I did not know it was leaking, i would feel weak and get a headache, but we often had the windows open as F. loved a hot roaring fire so even when it was below zero outside, it could be up to 90 degrees inside so when the windows were open, it felt good and probably kept us from dying!

Anyhow, when we discovered it was leaking, I had to turn it on by going under the stove and turning a small screw type thing to open the gas line to bake. It was a hassle and I felt bad while things were baking so when one day I did this and there was a small “pop”,I lived without an oven for a long time. (it was a small explosion!)

Eventually I got the stove replaced and had an oven again, but it was awhile.

I guess that habit just has sort of stuck as I do bake on occasion, but like I baked cookies yesterday for the first time in months! I think it was the beginning of Dec. when I did it last for a cookie exchange! They were good though and made me wonder why I do not do it more often! <p. I made Crystal's Whole wheat chocolate chip oatmeal cookies and some applesauce, oatmeal muffins.

One of the boys took some applesauce and mixed it with milk in a cottage cheese container one day when I was not looking, I saved it to make muffins out of and the boys liked them!

I am having such a time meal planning this week, I am sort of having a hard food week and nothing sounds any good, so grocery shopping and meal planning is so hard! Any ideas?

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  1. Gena

    I enjoy reading your blog and thought I would give you my menu (or part of it) from the past week. Yesterday, we had burritos – filling was refried beans (lg. can, fat-free) mixed with one packet taco seasoning, brown rice, homemade salsa, cheddar cheese and shredded lettuce. My family loves these and they are SO inexpensive. Tonight I fried some kielbasa (we are in a food co-op and got TONS of this), scrambled some eggs with cheese and made egg and sausage sandwiches. One night we had spaghetti, garlic bread and salad, tomorrow we will have grilled hotdogs and baked beans, then we will have grilled cheese sandwiches and homemade potato cheese soup.

    I hope this helps. I love to read about what other moms are cooking!

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