She had a long trip home, even longer that it was supposed to be as she was so tired in one airport she sat at the wrong gate and missed her flight home. She finally got a flight and then they postponed it again, because of a bad storm where they grounded everyone.

But now she is home, safe and sound!

On a different subject, I am working on taking a bunch of pictures of daily life for the boy’s grandparents, so maybe I will have some pictures to post again. I really need to buy a bigger memory card in my camera.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    I am glad that your mom made it home okay. I have really enjoyed reading her blog while she was gone, It was amazing.

    On a sep note, how is school going so far? and how are you splitting up the Kindergarden work. I am just curious : ) I started with Ryan on Tuesday but only did the schedule for the week. It is going well and I think to start I will schedule by the week since it is not as overwhelming.

  2. Anonymous

    Hmm sorry didn't sign…


  3. drewsfamilytx

    Sitting at the wrong gate– it's sad but kinda funny too. I can SO imagine myself doing the same thing!

    Glad she made it home safe and sound. I know you'll miss her.

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