She was just 18 and graduated from high school when she was asked to teach 7 children about 40 minutes from home

She was always ready for an adventure, I guess, because she accepted! She was homeschooled herself and very smart, having scored the highest in the state on her college entrance exams. There was myself and my 2 sisters, our neighbors three children and another young lady.

We moved three times during the school year, finishing it out in the basement of our neighbors house. She was a very accomplished young lady, reading to us from a story she had been working on.

I re found her recently and come to find out that she has written 2 books now. They are based on her experiences as a homeschooled student in MT living in a somewhat remote area.

She now lives in Mexico with her husband and 2 children.

Summer at Steller Creek by Anne Clay Cernyar was the story she read to us way back when!!

It is available through

the other one she wrote is called “In The Shadow of the mountains”

This story just goes to show you that a girl who was raised in MT, totally homeschooled most of her life was not only able to teach a small classroom of students at 18, but was well on her way to being an author at that age.

Anyhow, if you want to read a book about a homeschooled girl…this is the one.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Jennifer

    Always looking for a good book. Would you recommend these for young girls(like 10-11)? I think it is an awesome testimony of a homeschooler!


  2. Martha

    She re wrote it since I have heard it, but she read it to me when I was 12 and was the oldest in the group, the youngest was 7 or 8 and we all enjoyed it. I have not read it since it was re-written although I am going to get it!

  3. acrunchymama

    so cool! thanks for the titles- sarah will love them!

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