are in the Phillipines now safe and sound! Thankfully they survived the airplane trip, my mom was having a really hard time once she had just gotten to Los Angeles and she still had 17 hours to go. I think the prayer must have helped her, even though she said she had to chase her luggage for 3 hours once she got to Manila! <p> In case you are interested in reading her adventures as a volunteer midwife in Daveo City, her blog is here and one of the people with her is here. <p>
My other little sister is going away for a year of school, it is funny because people assume alot of things when they hear that! First off, they assume she must be going to college which they sort of wrinkle their forehead as she is only almost 17, then when they hear boarding school, they think she must have been naughty! The truth is it is sort of an elite high school for really, really good children. They really examine your character before you are allowed to go there, which is nice for mom and dad’s peace of mind. My sister though is suddenly realizing the reality that she is going off to school! They get one week every month to come home which is nice and they provide a ride to a place 2 hours away so hopefully she will get to come home often! She is a wonderful girl and I hope she learns alot this year at this wonderful time that has been given her!