My husband has been gone alot for dinner this past couple weeks and we have been surviving on sandwiches, pasta etc. for meals mostly.
But I figured I better plan some things..
Wednesday: Bean and cheese burritos
Thursday: Sad to say bean and cheese burritos again, but only because they begged for them!
Friday: Hamburgers with tomatoes, lettuce etc, watermelon, cucumbers. I had taco salad

Saturday: Potato soup, Huckleberry muffins

Sunday: Breakfast for dinner, pancakes, eggs, fruit- popcorn

Monday: Pizza, salad

Tuesday: Chicken curry, pita bread, rice- not sure where to get the recipe, but I will look

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  1. Renee

    I have a coconut curry recipe on my website. It is yummy. :)

    I am a huge meal planner. By the way….this is Renee from the headcovering group.

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