I think with everything going on with my sister and then other issues here…like last night I get a call from my sister-in-law that my mother-in-law is in the hospital.  My husband  adores both his parents, but is especially close to his mother and with his issues with dealing with stress and worry, it was  a tense evening. Thankfully, I got a hold of the hospital and was able to confirm she was not in danger of dying, as long as she takes her medication.

I have paperwork to complete, house cleaning to do, which seems like is never ending…but then i ran out of  cleanser to clean the toilet awhile back, forgot to pick any up and have been cleaning with other products and it is starting to stink….literally!

I am so tired right now….I have walked at least 6 miles in the past couple days, probably more, but combine that with  helping children and running part of that chasing them….lack of proper food as I am running to swimming lessons at dinner time as well as not hungry now that the heat is here…I could just use some prayer and maybe a vacation. I kind of got one with VBS last week, in the mornings, which was nice…but I think I need to work on giving things to God.

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