Menu this week:
Thursday: Spaghetti, meatballs, salad
Friday: Cheddar Potato soup, corn muffins or corn bread
Saturday: Chicken Fried rice (with carrots)
Sunday:  Zucchini sausage soup-  homemade bread
Monday: Fried potatoes (because my husband has been wanting them), Salad and pickles, homemade sauerkraut
Tuesday: Borcht, Bread
Snacks this week:
Homemade pumpkin bread
<p> You may get tired of seeing my menu, but this way it is written down so I do not forget it! We have been busy with packing, cleaning, trying to do school still, finishing up things on the house I wanted to be done…our fridge handle was broken so I ordered a new part for that and replaced it. $11 for a tiny piece of plastic! <p> This morning I sat with the real estate agent and went over the things on the inspection that we need the owner (a bank) to fix and turned in the formal paper work on that. I am praying they look at it and realize it is not that much money and just do it! But otherwise everything seems to be going well….although things can change if the bank wants to be stubborn!
<p> Milk went down a bit in price! Yay! I paid $5.19 for two gallons yesterday!  Maybe cheese will go back down too? Wheat seems to be going up along with everything else, so I will not hold my breath, but I am thinking about buying a big bag of oats now just in case. <p>
I bought a #10 can of applesauce and have pumpkin so I figured I had better use it for snacks as especially for soccer on Saturdays now, I need to bring snacks as we end up there for almost 3 hours and they expel lots of energy and really go through the water as well. <p> So we have two meatless dinners this week and  some of them do not have a ton of meat in them, the chicken fried rice, borcht, and haystacks as I use part beans and part meat. <p> Anyhow, it should help me to  maybe be able to buy some fruit maybe! <p> So, back to school and then we are going to go visit with a friend!

Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. pbrfans1

    What are haystacks? What do you do to the fried potatoes? I've never really fried potatoes before. Do you put cheese or something on it? Either way they sound good. Oh and where do you get applesauce? Is it cheap? I've discovered that D loves applesauce. Edited by pbrfans1 on Mar. 5, 2008 at 6:26 PM

  2. pbrfans1

    Thanks for answering my post! Those haystacks sound sooo good! I'll have to try them once all the salsa stuff is affordable.

  3. Martha

    You are welcome! I have not been able to make salsa in awhile also, so yesterday I made my own taco sauce by blending up stewed mexican tomatoes. You cannot have the onion, but for this it is easy to just use a taco sauce. Sometimes I just buy a can of El Pato and use for taco sauce for .89 at Smiths.

  4. threejane

    Just wanted to let you know I spent about an hour reading some of your blog posts and I really like the way you write. Greetings from the other side of the mountains over here in North Idaho. Hope your house stuff goes smoothly; it can be very, very stressful buying a home and the packing! Oh my, the packing! I totally understand how you feel. I have a blog page here too, a lot of pictures. Feel free to drop by if you like.

  5. Anonymous

    Thanks for the comment, I like the fact that you post your menu, it gives me ideas and makes me feel closer. How is the house stuff going?


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