Finally!!! It seemed like it was more complicated than it needed to be!  I had a great flight out and got to Denver and  i walked around, well, actually I probably walked back and forth several times. Then I rode the fast rail train and went out and then back through security so I could go and have something for dinner. After walking back and forth several times to view all the choices and the costs, I decided what to have for dinner. Mainly because by this time i was feeling dizzy and lightheaded and thought it may be a good idea to choose. Otherwise, who knows how long I would have taken to decide? I had something else I had never eaten before. It was a whole wheat wrap with brown rice, steak, a pile of vegetables (which were cabbage, carrots, broccoli etc) and a scoop of a thai sauce with a sprinkle of peanuts and cilantro and rolled up! It sounded weird enough to be really good,  and it was really, really good! Of course, I was starving by this time so a raw sandal may have tasted good, but it was good to try something different! A pilot was there too when I was buying my food and he told the guy there he walks all the way from the other end of the airport to buy their food as he loves it so much! It was actually fairly healthy too!
<p> Anyhow, after that I wandered around more and finally decided to splurge on a cup of tea and a cookie which was over $4 so it was a splurge!  But they gave me a second cup of water so I had two large cups of tea and a oatmeal raisin cookie.  Then I sat and waited and waited and waited. I hear people talking and glance outside and see it is storming badly. Sheets of lightening and thunder, rain pouring down and  the plane time is getting later and later. I start getting a bit concerned, but not too bad, until it kept moving! I had a train time to make so I could get home and instead, i ended up missing the train by 15 minutes. it was bad. Here I am in a airport, the middle of the night, all alone in an airport and i am so tired. The airport employee ends up taking me to a motel that was discounted slightly and I catch a bit of sleep, but lost some over having to spend that much money for a bed and badly needed shower! There was also a strange seatmate I shared my row with on the plane so I was really happy to get off. As someone was taking their baggage off though, they hit me with their suitcase and did not even stop. It was  quite a night! After a long trip home, I finally got here and saw my boys, whom we were mutually glad to see each other! i have pictures, but am trying to catch up on the 1 foot pile of mail I have to go  through!
<p> I realized though how much I love to fly still, once in the air and thought I really need to go sky diving!! I also watched alot of HGTV so  coming home to a beautifully painted bedroom was really nice! My husband painted for me while I was gone as well as a bunch of other house projects got done! Things look great and I am so glad to be home! Next trip, my grandparents maybe? I would love that……but can’t let go of my boys for a long time!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Glad you made it home in one piece :D


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