We had a early freeze, which caused all our leaves to be really brown and ugly….they are all over though and the boys and F. have been spending lots of time raking them out to the street so the tuck sweeps them up and takes them away. It is not very pretty like many years, but we have had alot of sun, although it was down to 29 degrees this morning!!!

I had a busy day today, lots of stuff going on! I had to stop and wait to pick up my youngest son and so I waited at the fruit stand and ended up spending $4 and came away with a bunch of cucumbers, tomatoes, and avocados….can anyone say wonderful salads are in store? I also got some nice huge peppers. I am going to try to eat alot of them up before Wed!!

MOPS went well, it was funny as our prayer requests sort of went into an encouragement session as one of the moms was struggling with her toddler. We ended up not doing out normal devotion, but the visit was worth it! We did have a nice prayer time, and filled boxes for Operation Christmas Child. It was really fun to see all the neat boxes everyone made. Some people were able to do two boxes, which was nice! It was just nice to sit and visit and laugh with other moms about the things your children do that can really frustrate you normally.

I got my laundry room pretty clean, it is not spotless, but it is nicer to work in this way. I think most of the toys are going to be gone in the next month. They don’t play with them very much, so I think it is time for them to leave!!! The energy audit people came today, which was nice, but I was gone so I hope I get a report because F. did not understand what they said. They did give me a new CO detector and installed another smoke detector in a weird spot……We moved it when I got home so it is hidden now.

Tonight was leftover night, so we ate out leftovers at my friends house. It was a great dinner!! It is nice to clean out the fridge this way before grocery shopping for the next week and it gives us variety. Kids like eating other people’s leftovers!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Swapping leftovers is a great idea. Love it!!!

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