Makes this mother…..really tired! I do not know how it makes healthy, wealthy and wise, yet!! It may something to do with the fact is that when I am getting up at 6 in the morning, I wake up wide awake at like 5:30!!! I know that I have not slept long enough and last night it was late before I got to sleep, like 11 or so!

I think the thing that bothers me is that I get irritable more.

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  1. mitchellfamily

    I too am not a happy Mom on no sleep. I hope you get a better nights sleep tomorrow!

  2. sagerats

    Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my homeschool blogger poll. The more comments received, the better the results, so tell your friends!

    I’ve seen you on cappaccinosmom’s blog. You leave great comments. I’m glad Eric is doing better. My son did that once. I found him under the table, “hiding” from me with a mouthful of tablets. Since I didn’t know what he had swallowed we took him to the E/R where they pumped him full of charcoal.

    Abiding in the Vine!

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