We will have a weekend and a couple of days in this coming spring break, where we will have some fun. We had been planning a trip, not too far, but over to another state for my son’s seventh birthday and our 12th anniversary. We have not anything really big for our anniversary for a while  and L. missed out on a birthday celebration last year so we were saving money for this.  But then we had van trouble and it looked like we may have to cancel our plans….so we are still not certain, but it looks like we may get a van that is new to us tomorrow and try it out on Saturday and  take the trip. I am sort of behind now on my planning as we did not intend to go, but I think it will be fun anyhow. We want to go to the Children’s museum, Chuck E. Cheese, and some other neat things as well as stay in a motel. So…..I hope things go smoothly and we get to go, if not, we will have fun here locally!

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