I have to say hemming pants and washing dishes rank up on my top 2 things I hate to do! Am I the only one! Fred has pretty short legs, so I am hemming up all of his pants for him. I do not know why I dislike it so much, but it is done, for awhile anyhow!
Today is hamburger night, so I got out the mini-grill and am grilling hamburgers. I thought I had some frozen french fries, but I don't so, I think it is hamburgers and vegetables!
It cooled down a bunch outside, and thundered a bit. I hope that doesn't mean than we are going to have more fires close by. Other years that meant more work for Fred, but now that he cannot work that way, it is just smoky and sweltering!
I may get to go to CA and help take my Grandma home. I found out too that I need to take some classes to keep my EMT-F too. I need to call and find out what I have to do.

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