Many stores really discount school supplies this time of year and it is a great time to stock up on stuff even if you do not know how on earth you will use it up! Somehow, by the end of the year you run out of white glue, the glue sticks have all dried up and you can pay $1 a pack, when if you buy it now, you can get it for .20!!! <p> Crayons break and are gone all of a sudden……. and then you go and look at them, markers, pencils or whatever and they are double or triple the price at the end of the school year. <p> Walmart has good deals and I know Target has some good sales later also. Staples
also has sales also. I know there were one penny sales this last week! <p> Anyhow, this is sort of a lame excuse for a post, but hey, I posted!
I need to go out and get more markers and crayons. No matter how hard I try, and how many times I remind the boys to put caps back on, we go through those things so fast! I'm sure there's a packs worth of crayons down the heating vents.
Good idea.
I did this last year with filler paper. I got sick of paying $2.00 for a pack of paper.
I loaded up when they were .15 ;)
I still have paper from last year, but you can bet I will stock up again this year.