Little boys are so honest about things….most of the time! It seems like though sometimes they are honest about things you really do not want them to be.

It is when they say “Mom, you are so pretty!!!” that you want to just bask in little boy honesty, but when they look at you and say “Mom, that is a funny looking spot on your face. Why do you have that?” Is when you wish they were not quite so honest!
The thing is they see us for who we are…and they love us with our bumps, lumps, beauty, and all and just want us to be there for them! They want us to be there to kiss them, rub their owies, cook them food and take care of their needs.

They are not looking for a models body, but they are looking for their beautiful mom that looks nice, but not untouchable. They love their mom that they can jump on and give hugs too (even though with me they have made me lose my balance the last while!)

We often dislike honesty as it shows our inperfections, but really in their eyes those are sometimes our perfections.

I remember in many books I read as a girl, the mothers that were slim, trim and everything was perfectly in place were the mothers that cared so much about themselves they didn't care for their children. Then the mothers that were maybe not fashion plates, but loved the children, took time for them and were not running hither and thither to get a pedicure and haircuts were the ones protrayed as the desirable mothers to have.

We want to take care of ourselves, our houses etc. but let's not forget to make sure in taking care of ourselves we look at ourselves through the honest eyes of a little boy who adores you….no matter what spots you have on your face!

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