We are having a family reunion here and over the next few days we are having guests from tomorrow until next monday or so! It will be fun and hopefully go really smoothly!<p> I have had alot of stuff going on so I am really praying I can relax.  <p> i have been trying to make more lists to keep track of things , but  alot of times I cannot find a pen (I just bought a bunch more so hopefully that changes), but the lists help. Instead of trying to remember in my head, did I call social security, oh yes, I did, but they did not answer and transferred me to the national service which could not help me, and how am I going to take care of this nasty bee nest in our yard (I was warned by a man at Walmart in lawn and garden that sounds like I need some more info before I go and spray it), I got  some of the cupboards cleaned out, but still have a few that got missed, hopefully  there is nothing there that cannot wait, baking to do and the list goes on and on, and did I remember to eat lunch? <p> Anyhow, I may not be posting for awhile, but I am hoping to take pictures so then I will post some of those! Have a wonderful week!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. drewsfamilytx

    Family Reunion? FUN!

    So who's coming from where and what are y'all going to be doing?

    Be careful with the bees– scary!

    Marsha– I can't remember if I remembered to eat lunch either

  2. Lilyofthevalley4

    Sounds like a busy week ahead, but fun too! Enjoy your company!!

  3. MamaDole

    Hi Martha~
    Not that you don't have enough to do, but I'm tagging you for the blog tag going on. You can check out my blog for the rules.

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