Week #30 and #31
This was actually a little earlier in March...from a field trip they took! Doing school in the sunshine! We take advantage of it, when we can get it! Gummy worm economics...L. and T. earned money cleaning up…
This was actually a little earlier in March...from a field trip they took! Doing school in the sunshine! We take advantage of it, when we can get it! Gummy worm economics...L. and T. earned money cleaning up…
Today was a difficult day for me. A good friend of our family is moving and today was their last day here, last day in church etc. It made it really an emotional day when…
This was the week I realized that I only had 5 weeks of school left. It surprised me. I knew we had been working hard, but I guess I never believed we were ever going…
Yep. 10 ways. Do you think I can come up with 10 whole ways how to stick out like a sore thumb? I would imagine that I could come up with more than that...but let's…
Yep. 10 ways. Do you think I can come up with 10 whole ways how to stick out like a sore thumb? I would imagine that I could come up with more than that...but let's…
Mothering is tough. It is gritty, dirty, and often comes with little rewards as we are preforming our duties. We have the job that no one wants to get paid for to do, yet we…
I am not terribly happy about having to move my blog, but I know it will be good for me! Eventually, I will learn about web hosting, blog widgets and all...but for now, I am…
My Review: This story brings us back to tie up some loose ends from the previous stories, which is always nice. I enjoyed this story, although I actually enjoyed the one before it in the…
“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27, KJV. I am curious since…