Tired out

I started babysitting a three month old baby girl two days a week this week. I think I forget how much time a baby takes already! Well, part of it is feeding formula is very…

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Menu for the week

Wednesday: Cabbage stew over rice Thursday: Bierocks and soup (I have to use up my cabbage), pineapple cake Friday: Chicken Taco Soup, cornbread Saturday:   I will be gone most of the day- so probably hot…


Interesting Options

I get a magazine called Keepers At Home, which I really like. It has some different advertisements for people who have one product they offer or services, not otherwise advertised or available online. Some of…

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End of a very long day

and it was after 10:30 pm when I turned my computer on....I am really too tired to be on here, but I had to check something! <p> I got the oil changed in the car,…


Many, Many potatoes!

We were blessed with a box of soft, growing potatoes, but that were perfectly good under the skin! We have been using them, but it had come to a point where they were overgrowing their…