We were blessed with a box of soft, growing potatoes, but that were perfectly good under the skin! We have been using them, but it had come to a point where they were overgrowing their box! It was the day of many potatoes! I was making dinner for someone, I got so busy I actually forgot a doctor’s appointment (something I have never done in my life) and we cooked so many potatoes….well, let’s just say, I know what we will be eating for the next couple days! <p> I made mashed potatoes, roasted potatoes with garlic and cut some up for soup. We have a huge roaster pan full of roasted garlic potatoes, two containers of mashed potatoes left and I still have to make the large pot of soup! My wonderful husband sat and peeled and scrubbed all of them! <p> So, dinner was different! <p> I made homemade rolls in my mixer and cookies too! It is amazing how easy it was! I wonder if I will ever have to buy bread again! Well, maybe this summer when I do not want to use the oven!  I put some cookies in the freezer, made cinnamon rolls and dinner rolls plus all the potatoes! I am glad there is a potluck thing tonight, to bring some!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    I want a big roaster. It's getting hard to make enough for my family and have some for the freezer too. Things like chili, soup and stews. Not to mention the turkey we cook a couple of times a year.
    I plan on getting one in the fall. I think my local Sam's club gets them in then.


  2. loefflermom

    I love having things in the freezer!

    Have a great week!


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