I had to finish some observation time at a childbirth class and I did one last year, but needed a full 12 hours, so went to another one on Saturday. It was really good! They all did a really good job and made it very interactive. I think alot of time moms do not make the time to prepare for childbirth, especially the ones who don’t like to read at all, really need a class to help them to know what to expect, but not only that, how to cope with it. <p> One of the things they did in the class I was really impressed with was a ice cube game. We had a ice cube and had to hold it for 60 seconds.  She did not tell us why, just hold it for 60 seconds. I am thinking "This is silly, this hurts, I do not like this, I am just not going to do it" etc.
After the 60 seconds that dragged by, she asked us how we coped with the pain.  I was surprised as I did what I did in labor with the pain, I wanted to run away from it and quit as I did not see the purpose in it.
Then she had us do it again, knowing it was like a contraction, it had a purpose to it. The 60 seconds seemed shorter, one of the men told a story quietly and we got distracted and it was much easier to go through it.  I guess it caught me off guard that I still would respond to pain that way! My first three labors, I did that, , well, especially my first and third, I ran away from the pain, I told myself I did not want to do this, I was not going to do this and I just wanted to go sit in a comfortable chair. My last one, I decided to make a decision to do it. I was going to do this, I was going to get through the pain and have a baby. It was so much easier with the positive attitude, even though I was still suffering! <p> Another game was sucking on a lifesaver to show how the cervix dialates and effaces.
<p> We had lots of tips on getting your baby in the right position. In the last months you should never sit in a recliner,  or basically have your  knees above your  hips at all. It is good to practice  kneeling over a exercise ball, hand and knees, tailor sitting to help the baby want to face anterior and be positioned right. They said you really do not want to do deep squats in that month until you get to labor as you can  help the baby get lodged in the wrong position from the start. Swimming is also very good for you! <p>
We talked about post-partum, having a plan for care for you, your baby, other children and spouse. Who will fix the meals, planning ahead and making frozen food or meals, who will clean, why it is important to take it easy after you have a baby and those things. I had brought some copies of easy recipes too to share with them as we had a little sheet to fill out to help make a plan.
<p> It was a long day, but we had a great time and the boys went with my dad to the local museum. They had all the machines running and people acting out like they were from  the olden days. They were so excited as they love museums! We ended up trading one boy for  another, so I have one of my brothers and my oldest son is up there. He has become someone that I really depend on and talk to alot, so I am really missing him. He is very special!  While we were up there, he made me this beautiful little bouquet of  flowers and put it in a little vase for a late mother’s day gift.  He has been worried as he felt he needed to get me something. Then he gave it to me and gave me a kiss  on the cheek even though all his friends were around and was encouraging his uncle to do the same thing for his mom! I was really touched and blessed! We traded haircuts for weeding and digging in a local woman’s garden and the lady had so much fun with them, she was thanking me for letting her cut their hair! We worked for an hour on her gardens and the boys were digging up a place for her to plant broccoli.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. pinklady

    sounds like your having fun!!
    paul's having fun here to.

  2. amandasangels

    The class sounds like it was really fun. I love when they do activities that help you "feel or understand" what is happening. When I worked as a nurse aide, I took a CNA course and the lady teaching it had us to put tape over our fingertips and try to feel for and pick things up to simulate what it is like for the elderly. She did some other fun things, but I can't remember them. Anyhow, I'm glad you enjoyed it. The trade system you are in sounds so neat. As much as haircuts cost these days I think you did really well. What a galiant little young man you have!
    So sweet!
    Love & Blessings,
    (: Amanda :)

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