I bought a bunch of stuff to can yesterday and have been working on it, but discovered I do not have as many jars as I thought I did! I canned 7 jars of tomatoes and 9 qts peaches and 3 pints of peaches and am about out of jars! I have a few more, but I guess I am going to have to go collecting as I have a box and half of peaches to do yet and half a box of tomatoes that I am going to make into salsa.

Anyhow, it sure makes for a hot house and sort of sticky and juicy kitchen! It is fun to see the jars lined up though!

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  1. drewsfamilytx

    That is awesome! I have three quarts of pears that my sweet MIL canned for me. They have this huge pear tree in their yard– the biggest I’ve ever seen.

    Isn’t it nice to have such a productive day? Even if it does lead to a sweaty, sticky kitchen… Salsa sounds perfect right now, though!


  2. Lilyofthevalley4

    Doing the same here too. Hope to make salsa yet, once more tomatos ripen. It is rewarding the finished jars sitting on the counter. :)

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